Bath And Body Works Has Sales on Holiday Scents

Few things can get you into the holiday spirit quicker than the smell of evergreen, cinnamon, or peppermint. There is just something about those smells that brings up memories of Christmas from years that have gone by. If you have been looking for the perfect way to add these scents to your home this holiday season, look no further than Bath and Body Works. They have a lot of sales going on right now! In general, it is a good idea to be careful when giving scented items as gifts. Some people may feel that the reason you have given … Continue reading

Lessons Learned – New Health Blogger Intro

As a new health blogger for I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. Through the years I’ve been a granddaughter, daughter, two times a wife, sister, and a mother—five times over. At this point, my family consists of only my girls and my sister. Everyone else in my family passed on at a young age, even my first husband. I feel that facing so many health-related tragedies is what spurred me on to study many health fields, as well as doing my best to take care of my own health and that of my girls. No matter … Continue reading

Introducting the New Women’s Health Blogger

Well, first of all I want to say that I’m really delighted and honoured to get to work here! This is a wonderful site, and from what I’ve seen of the community, a great group of people. My name is D. Kai Wilson, or just Kai. I’m 27, a mother of two, and have…well various small health conditions, and a nosiness about the ones that I hear about, a passion for research and an interest in providing information on women’s health. I also write for my own mental health site, and edit/blog there to raise the profile of bi-polar disorder … Continue reading

Minimizing the Stress of Commuting While Pregnant

Commuting to work is a pain to begin with, but pregnancy can makes things even more complicated. Pregnancy and stress don’t mix well; unfortunately, commuting and stress do. Add the possibility of being far from home when your water breaks or complications arise, and the stress compounds. Here are some tips for keeping commuting stress to a minimum. Stay comfortable. If you have a long drive to work, just sitting in the car for an extended amount of time can make you sore, especially in the third trimester when pelvic, hip and joint pain are common due to the hormone … Continue reading

Four Tips for Settling a Nervous Stomach

When my dogs have an upset stomach, I know just what to do: cook up a pot of white rice, mix it with some chicken broth, and serve it up. But when I’m dealing with my own nervous stomach, the solution isn’t quite so easy. A “nervous stomach” is often a symptom of stress… at least, it is for me! As the stress level in my life goes up (I feel like I’m at Stresscon Five right now), my stomach wants to join the party. Sometimes, I lose my appetite. More often, the problem shows up at the end of … Continue reading

When Nightmares Attack

I’ve always had rather vivid dreams — or at least been very good at remembering my dreams. Sometimes, this is a good thing. A dream inspired my first published piece of fiction. Sometimes, this is a bad thing… like when I have a nightmare that makes me turn on all the lights, afraid to go back to sleep. According to the National Library of Medicine, nightmares are more common in childhood than in adulthood. (So are night terrors!) However, as much as fifty percent of adults (mainly women) still experience occasional nightmares. Tips to help prevent nightmares: Make a bedtime … Continue reading

When Your Medication Causes Sleep Problems

When I was trying to clear up my clogged ear, I picked up a variety of decongestants to try. My family doctor suggested traditional Sudafed — made with pseudoephedrine, which can be hard to get in some areas. The Sudafed worked, but caused a different problem: I had trouble sleeping. Most nights, I’d wake up every few hours — instead of sleeping straight through like I normally do. The doc had warned me that the decongestant might cause problems sleeping, and suggested that I only take it in the mornings (instead of twice per day as indicated on the package). … Continue reading

Romance in the Garden

Do you have a garden? Have you thought of your garden as a place of romance? As any of you who are regular readers of my blogs will know I am not a gardener. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the garden. I enjoy the benefits of tasty vegetables Mick grows. His fresh tomatoes are amazing – far tastier than those in shops. And I’m eagerly waiting for the first passion fruit, my absolutely favorite fruit, to ripen. Knowing what a fan I am Mick has planted several along the back fence and three more along a trellis plus one … Continue reading

The Power of Laughter

They say that laughter is the best medicine and they’re not wrong. Not only is laughing fun to do but it has long-term health benefits, especially for mental health. And it also contributes to you leading a longer (and happier!) life. Dr. Tim Sharp, a psychologist from the Happiness Institute in Sydney, Australia maintains that laughter has positive benefits, both physiologically and psychologically. Sharp claims that: “People who see the funnier side of things tend to be more resilient. These people are also able to see things from a different perspective.” Laughing clubs have sprung up around the world as … Continue reading

Emergency Contraception: Plan B

If you aren’t ready to start a family, you and your spouse should be careful about contraception. But mistakes can happen, regardless of how careful you are. Emergency contraception is safe, effective, and available without a prescription. Plan B is up to 89 percent effective in preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. This FDA approved emergency contraception is not an “abortion pill” — it is a hormone (a form of progestin) that delays ovulation and effects the way the egg and sperm move through a woman’s reproductive system. In other words, the hormone makes it less likely that the two will … Continue reading