When Litterbox Smells Attack!

It’s Halloween season… time for a horror story! And let’s face it — as cute as our pets are (of all species), sometimes they produce some awful smells. In my work at the cats-only boarding facility, I encounter the whole rainbow of litterbox nightmares. There’s the cat who nearly misses the box, so the mess is half in and half out. There’s the digger, who likes to pepper the walls and floor with dirty litter bits. There’s the one who mistakes bed for box and vice versa. And the odor can range from “barely know it’s there” to “I smelled … Continue reading

When Nightmares Attack

I’ve always had rather vivid dreams — or at least been very good at remembering my dreams. Sometimes, this is a good thing. A dream inspired my first published piece of fiction. Sometimes, this is a bad thing… like when I have a nightmare that makes me turn on all the lights, afraid to go back to sleep. According to the National Library of Medicine, nightmares are more common in childhood than in adulthood. (So are night terrors!) However, as much as fifty percent of adults (mainly women) still experience occasional nightmares. Tips to help prevent nightmares: Make a bedtime … Continue reading

Nightmare or Night Terror?

Waking up to a screaming child can be traumatizing. Your heart races as you try to figure out what’s going on and then it’s gone as quickly as it comes. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between a full blown night terror and just a regular nightmare. Here are some tips to tell the difference and how to respond when dealing with them. Night terrors usually happen within the first hour or two of sleep, while nightmares tend to happen much later at night, during the second half of sleep. During a night terror your child’s eyes may be … Continue reading

Natural Disaster and the Impact on Mental Health

With the recent events in Japan, between the earthquake and then the devastation on the tsunami, and now the risk of a nuclear meltdown, it will be interesting to see the impact of these events on the mental health of the Japanese nation. Right now, I imagine most are running on survival mode, adrenaline levels are high, panic is setting in, reality is finding enough food and water to survive. The impact on mental health will be more long term, setting in once the initial chaos is over. It will probably be years before the whole impact on mental health … Continue reading

Unwelcome Travel Experiences

Subtitle: My Flight From Hell I don’t travel long distances during the chaotic summer months. I’ve had such horrible experiences flying off-season that I don’t even chance boarding a flight during the months of June, July or August. To prove my point, let’s review my last flight to Hawaii. It was by no means a vacation. Rather, three months ago I was forced to fly 10,000 miles roundtrip to attend my beloved grandmother’s funeral. I decided to take my 6-year-old daughter along since she and my grandma shared such a sweet relationship. Unfortunately, American Airlines cancelled our direct flight to … Continue reading

Hormonal Swings and Depression

While the symptoms of PMS are very familiar to many women, those who have a history of anxiety and depression or who currently suffer from anxiety and depression may notice that the changing hormonal levels during the month bring about increased emotional problems. The week before menstruation is well-known by women and feared by men as being the most emotionally difficult week of the month. That makes for twelve to thirteen “difficult” weeks per year for women of childbearing age. However, the ebb and flow of hormones that bring about these changes can have quite a dramatic effect of the … Continue reading

The Dental Horror Story: Going Back to School

So I’ve spent the last couple of days bringing you up to speed. At the end of The Horror of Dental Insurance & Teeth I told you about the catch 22 of my insurance coverage where my wisdom teeth were concerned. It’s bad enough that I was getting flack for being 35 and not having had my wisdom teeth out, but the whole insurance thing? Yeah, it’s the stuff nightmares are made of. So What to Do Now? I have to admit as defeated as I felt, I knew that this wasn’t the time to lie down and die. I … Continue reading

The Kestrel – Lloyd Alexander

“The Kestrel” is the sequel to Lloyd Alexander’s young adult fantasy novel, “Westmark.” Mickle, once a street urchin but revealed to be the long lost daughter of the king and queen, is now the ruler of Westmark. Her father passed away and the crown came to her, making her Queen Augusta. Still more comfortable in breeches than in a crown, she doesn’t want to merely sit on her throne; she wants to make a difference in the country. Cabbarus, exiled former cabinet minister of Westmark, has a plan for revenge. He has gone to the neighboring country of Regia and … Continue reading

Hormonal Swings and Depression

While the symptoms of PMS are very familiar to many women, those who have a history of anxiety and depression or who currently suffer from anxiety and depression may notice that the changing hormonal levels during the month bring about increased emotional problems. The week before menstruation is well-known by women and feared by men as being the most emotionally difficult week of the month. That makes for twelve to thirteen “difficult” weeks per year for women of childbearing age. However, the ebb and flow of hormones that bring about these changes can have quite a dramatic effect of the … Continue reading

Can Military Family Members Suffer From PTSD

I am one of those people that can handle any crisis that comes along. I am the person calling 911 while delegating everyone around me to ensure that the situation is under control. I do this without thinking and I do it well but once the crisis is over I am the first person to crumble. My husband’s deployment was no different. I helped start a non-profit group that assisted the troops and their families, I was involved in every possible fundraiser out there, I was the person that others called when they were scared; all the while holding it … Continue reading