Cleaning with Steam

We have had two rarely used steam cleaner machines in our closet for some time now. The fist one called a Steam Buggy, and I purchased it some years ago when I was moving to get the house uber-clean. I have a second one called a Dirt Devil Force as it came with a Dirt Devil Vacuum I purchased some years ago. Both machines promise to sterilize your home without using harsh chemicals. They also claim to steam your clothing, but they tend to just leave clothes splattered with hot water. They do, however work well for cleaning. We fired … Continue reading

Sanitizing Your Home for Swine Flu

Swine Flu has many people up in arms. People don’t want to shake hands. People get nervous when someone else coughs. People are even sanitizing their homes. But will home sanitizing prevent you from getting swine flu? Maybe. Sanitizing your home is effective against getting swine flu if someone in your home has it. If no one in the house has swine flu, then there’s really no point about going overboard to sanitize it. The problem is that you don’t know that you even have Swine Flu in your home until someone gets sick, and by then the whole house … Continue reading

Where Germs Thrive in the Home (and How to Handle Them)

No matter how well you clean, there are some places around the house (or office) that tend to accumulate dirt and bacteria. You might know some of these already… or you might be surprised! Your mattress and pillows. The bedroom is a favorite spot for those evil allergy triggers: dust mites. Your mattress can also soak up sweat and other bodily fluid! The best way to keep your mattress and pillows clean is to bag them. A plastic cover (underneath your sheets and mattress pad) will keep the dust mites out. Wash bedding regularly in hot water to kill dust … Continue reading