Treating Mild and Severe Gum Disease

If you have early-stage gum disease (also known as gingivitis), early treatment can save your teeth! In the early stages, gingivitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues and bones that support the teeth. As the disease progresses, it becomes periodontitis — a more serious form of gum disease that can permanently damage tissue and lead to tooth loss. Treating gingivitis early gives you a chance to reverse the damage done to your mouth. Brush your teeth twice daily (morning and night). Floss your teeth once daily. Use an antiseptic or antiplaque mouthwash. Visit your dentist more frequently (every three … Continue reading

Five More Ways To Protect Your Heart

Don’t stop at just five changes to protect yourself from heart disease. Here are some more things you can do to help lower your risk of heart disease. Watch your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides. Keep a copy of your blood work from annual check ups. LDL cholesterol should be under 100 mg/dL; HDL cholesterol should be 50 or above. Blood pressure should be 120/80 or lower. Fasting blood sugar should be 100 mg/dL or lower. Triglycerides should be under 150 mg/dL. Stay active! Physical activity can reduce every controllable risk factor for heart disease. Just ten minutes … Continue reading

Why Chewing Gum Is Good For You

Bring enough gum for everybody — because chewing gum can be good for you! Chewing a sugar-free gum after meals can help neutralize acids that turn into plaque on your teeth. This reduces your risk of developing cavities! Cinnamon is a natural germ killer. Cinnamon gum can help bust bad breath. Minty gums can help too, but the sweet scent may just cover up the problem, not neutralize the germs in your mouth. Chewing gum can help you lose weight — studies have shown that people who chew gum between meals tend to snack less. Whether the chewing motion keeps … Continue reading

A Healthy Mouth and a Healthy Pregnancy

When it comes to your health, everything is connected. Your body is a system, and when one part is not well, symptoms show up throughout the rest of the body. When you’re pregnant, your baby’s health is affected as well, and that is why it is so important to do everything you can to stay healthy. That includes getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, exercising and talking to a doctor when you think something might be wrong. Your teeth are no exception. In fact, your oral health is directly tied to your pregnancy. According to a study done at … Continue reading

Cheek Bites!

A minor health concern, but a painful one: you’re in the middle of a delicious meal when you chomp down on the inside of your cheek instead of your food! Definitely not a life-threatening injury… but definitely annoying. There are really only two things you can do for a cheek bite: ease the pain and keep things clean to prevent infection. Rinse your mouth out as soon as possible. Plain, clean water works just fine, but if you’re worried about infection you can mix two percent hydrogen peroxide equally with water. If you do go the peroxide route, rinse only … Continue reading

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be a situational problem — like getting nervous before making a speech — or a chronic problem. Chronic dry mouth occurs when saliva glands don’t work properly. Chronic dry mouth could be caused by medication or chemotherapy, it could be nerve damage from a head or neck injury, or it could be a disease that affects the saliva glands themselves. If you do experience chronic dry mouth, you should talk to your doctor or dentist. But for situational dry mouth (or while you’re waiting to see your health care professional) you can try these tips: Sip water … Continue reading

Candy That Fights Cavities?

Are you ready for candy that actually helps cut tooth decay? It could be coming to a store near you within the next few years. Researchers from the Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine developed a compound called CaviStat. CaviStat is a fluoride-free compound that mimics the way human saliva neutralizes acids in the mouth. The researchers put CaviStat to the test in the form of BasicMints — a chewy candy designed to stick to the teeth and help prevent cavities in the back teeth. The mints were recently tested in Venezuela. The study involved two hundred children between … Continue reading

Cold Relief Away From Home

Are you at home, close to your medicine cabinet every time a sore throat strikes? I’m not. I can remember coming down with a nasty upper respiratory infection while I was on a long car ride. With every mile, my throat hurt worse and worse until I was just about ready to cry. I didn’t even have a cough drop in my purse, just miles of misery. One of the best things you can do to relieve a sore throat is to gargle with warm salt water. But what can you do if you’re away from home or stuck at … Continue reading

Health and the Middle Child

Studies are showing that birth order can actually have an impact on health. You can’t help the order that your children are born in. But knowing what ailments are likely to strike your middle child can help you keep them safe, happy, and healthy! Middle (and youngest) children are less likely to suffer from allergies, asthma, and eczema, thanks to oldest children exposing them to all sorts of bacteria and viruses. All those germs can help develop a stronger immune system! Middle (and youngest) children also have a five percent lower risk of developing gum disease for the same reason. … Continue reading

Alternatives to Smoking During the Great American Smokeout

The Great American Smokeout is just a few days away. Are you ready to give up smoking for just one day? Even if you are only quitting for a day, you may be worried about cravings and other symptoms of withdrawal. Distraction can be key! Here are some things you can do on Thursday when the cravings hit. Take a walk. Exercise can release endorphins — the happy chemical in your brain. Call a friend. Get yourself involved in a conversation and you might just find the cravings fading into the background. Chew a piece of gum or have a … Continue reading