Tin in Your Vitamin?

I got caught up for a good twenty minutes at the drug store the other day, trying to decide on a new multivitamin. Usually, I take a vitamin B complex and a vitamin D supplement, and that’s it — the rest of the vitamin alphabet I can get from my diet, but I feel like I need some help with the D and the Bs. The problem began when the drug store was out of my usual brand of vitamin D. Oh no! Complicating the problem was the fact that all vitamins from the same brand were buy one get … Continue reading

Improving the Reputation of “Bad” Veggies

You’ve heard the whispers. Carrots are all sugar. Iceberg lettuce is nothing more than crunchy water, nutritionally speaking. But are these bad vegetables all bad? Even veggies that don’t make the A-list of superfoods aren’t worthless. Iceberg lettuce does have lots of water… but it also has important nutrients like vitamin A (which helps protect your eyes) and vitamin K (which can help protect your bones). Nutritional experts also point out that it’s better to eat iceberg lettuce than no lettuce at all. Celery is another veggie that gets a bad rap because of all the water involved. This vegetable … Continue reading

The Right Foods Can Counteract Drug Side Effects

At some point in your life, you’ll most likely be taking a prescription medicine. Maybe it’ll be short term; maybe it’ll be long term. Some long term prescriptions can deplete essential nutrients from your body, but a few small dietary changes can help. Statins — drugs that can help lower cholesterol — can deplete levels of coenzyme Q10. This can leave you with sore muscles, elevated liver enzymes, and feelings of fatigue. Adding more lean meat, chicken, and fish to your diet can help boost levels of coenzyme Q10. Medications for high blood pressure, like vasodilators or beta-blockers can deplete … Continue reading

Restless Legs Syndrome: Treatment

Movement can bring temporary relief to people with restless legs syndrome. However, some cases of RLS can be controlled by finding and treating any underlying disorders, like neuropathy, arthritis, or diabetes. In patients without an underlying disorder, treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Preventing restless legs syndrome symptoms: Decrease the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Reduce tobacco use. Correct iron deficiencies with diet and supplements. Correct other deficiencies — like folate or magnesium — with diet and supplements. Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Some patients find that sticking to a regular schedule can help reduce symptoms. Others find that symptoms are … Continue reading

How Do Vitamins Work?

Lately, I’ve been looking at different vitamins and what they do for the body. Vitamin A helps your vision; vitamin D helps build strong bones. Other vitamins promote healing (like vitamin C and vitamin E) or energy production (the B-complex vitamins). Every vitamin does something different… but how do they work? There are two different types of vitamins. Some vitamins are fat soluble — like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. This means the vitamins are stored in the fat tissues in your body — especially in the liver. They wait until your body needs them, and … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Vitamin B2?

Oh, so many B vitamins… folic acid, B6, B12… And our bodies need them all! Vitamin B2 was discovered by accident in the early part of the 20th century when nutritionists were looking for an enzyme that promoted growth in food. What they found instead was a yellow substance that we know now as riboflavin — also known as vitamin B2! Along with the other B-complex vitamins, vitamin B2 helps your body make energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Riboflavin especially promotes the production of energy in the brain! Researchers believe that vitamin B2 may be able to help bring … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Folic Acid?

Folic acid is actually part of the large family of B vitamins. Folate helps your body form DNA and RNA — the genetic building blocks for our bodies. The name folate comes from the word “foliage” because green, leafy vegetables are a great source for this vitamin! So why is folic acid important? You can’t grow without it. That makes folate especially important for pregnant women. Without enough folate while the baby is developing, you run the risk of serious brain disorders. Since 1992, doctors have suggested that women of childbearing age get four hundred micrograms of folate every day … Continue reading